ROM Communications Inc
Data Center Banner

ROM Data Center

ROM Communications uses a secured, environmentally controlled and monitored data center to house and process all incoming data. Security includes a biometric scanner, access control, and video monitoring system. The network is protected with a high quality dedicated firewall system.

Internet access is provided by multiple independent fiber providers


The data center is cooled using a high capacity geothermal conditioning system to maintain optimum temperature and humidity conditions. The center is powered by two independent power utilities, which is supplemented with a 4-hour UPS system and a diesel power generator capable of providing power for 6 days without refueling.


The ROM data center uses several dedicated servers with redundancy features, including RAID and dual power supplies, to maintain the integrity and availability of data.


The data center is located in Kelowna BC. The advantages of this location include being geographically stable (unlikely to have an outage due to natural disasters/weather) and access to two power providers and three major internet providers.

The servers are monitored by both an internal and external service to ensure data is processing and available at any time.